OpenPGP_Applet - GNOME applet for OpenPGP text encryption

OpenPGP_Applet is a GNOME applet written in Perl that allows encryption and decryption of the clipboard's content with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase. This is a graphical front-end on top of GnuPG.

Asymmetric decryption and clipboard verification are also supported.

Formerly a part of Tails, the Anonymous Incognito Live System, now available as a separate project as well.

This website is quite minimal, but you can find user documentation with screenshots on Tails wiki. Please refer to the README file for installation if you don't use the Debian Package.


Development takes place on Salsa, the Debian project's collaborative development platform: https:/// Merge requests are welcome!

Contact Information:

You can contact us using the OpenPGP Applet Mailing list on Be aware that this list is publicly archived.

To report a bug or request a feature, please file an issue on Salsa:


The releases are available as tags on the Project, and now also in Debian: OpenPGP Applet package. In case you wonder, Tails pulls the package from Debian.

Tarballs are signed, currently with key 0x30E674676859C8AD, available on SKS keyservers pool (Fingerprint : 0663 9AFA A76D 6B48 0169 7088 30E6 7467 6859 C8AD).

Occasionnaly, they could be signed, as well as the release tag, with the key of a Tails developer.
